Sunday, January 24, 2010

Elsinore and Kronborg Castle

Figured out how to put up pictures!!

Oh, but I had my first few days of class- cant really tell much yet but they look interesting. Two of my classes aren't starting for a week because theyre going to be at the University of Copenhagen and those start later. EU Politics looks interesting, mostly considering I know very little about it- reading is full of European history. We get to visit a bunch of the Danish political institutions though and more importantly, go to the Hague! Holocaust and Genocide...well you could guess how excited I am for that class, even though Im not sure excited sounds like the right word? Also had International Law, which will probably be my hardest class from what it looks like now. He said not to expect it to be a "study abroad class." But the professor seems amazing, we dont have class next week because he's going to Uganda to see some of the areas for the International Criminal Court. Basically, I want to be him.

Friday, went out with Spanky and Katey to a shindig DIS threw for us which was pretty fun..entertaining to say the least. On the way home we got to watch a guy with his hand down his pants get carried away (literally because he couldnt wake up) by the train security. Slightly glad I wasnt alone. Oh, Spanky (or Mr Spanky as our host mom loves to call him) aka Kyle is the guy staying with the same host family as me if I havent mentioned that before.

Then Saturday, Spanky and I went to Elsinore and Kronborg Castle which is about an hour away from Copenhagen. Im fairly certain its the first castle Ive been to and it is supposed to be the setting of Hamlet, which makes it that much cooler. We had a few hours to go wander around but it was freezing outside, so we went to the Ocean for a tad, wandered around the city, which was mostly little shops, but very quaint (we decided this was the perfect word to describe it) and then hung out in the train station for like half an hour with hot chocolate because we could no longer feel our bodies. Thats what we get for going by the Ocean in the middle of winter, but so worth it. Anywho, we went on a tour of the actual castle. You could see Sweden from the upper levels and we went down into the dungeons where the food and beer were stored. Apparently, the soldiers lived in the dungeons so that enemies would not know the size of the army and they only drank beer because the water was not safe and this kept the army pacified.

Checked out one of the law libraries today. Very different because unlike ours you definitely would not hear a pin drop in this one- people talk, eat whatever pretty much . It's nice though and Ill probably go back there to do some work- its also basically one of the only places open on Sundays as the city more or less shuts down. The work day in general is until 4pm here after which most places close down. Everyone seems much less stressed and doesnt have that get-out-of-my-way attitude either which is a pleasant change of pace. Oh and there are kids everywhere. No really, strollers and youngens running around all over the place. It seems very family-oriented. We've actually been having family dinners every night and the youngest daughter was visiting for the weekend (she lives with her dad) so its been fun. People here are definitely more open and talk about anything and everything- im pretty sure we've already discussed religion, politics, sex and drugs at dinner? After some studies, we grabbed some Chinese, found a Tiger (basically the Danish version of a Target with the most random things you can come up with) because I needed notebooks and came back to Glostrup. Thats about sums up the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. you went to chinese without me?

    beeze. oh well, lets get some in SWEEEEEDEN.
