Monday, January 18, 2010

Ananas and Hihi

This is my current knowledge of Danish...ananas (that spelling is probably terribly wrong but that is how its pronounced) means pineapple and I only remember that because it's the same in Russian and hihi means bye and well, thats not too terribly hard to remember. We had a 3 hour survival Danish class and that is what I retained. They took us to the grocery store and had us try and figure out what the names of things were, Im pretty sure we got 5 out of about 25 and one of them was wrong (pork instead of turkey). I knew that a lot of the people were going to know English, but Im very impressed with the extent of it. Siri, one of my host sisters, has been learning it since 3rd grade. That means that I started learning it just two years before she did. She, and the rest of the family, also speaks the language of the Faroe Islands but I cannot remember what its called. Turns out the family is from there but moved here 12 years ago. They're incredibly friendly and have definitely opened their home to us.

We got to wander around the city a little bit yesterday and its incredibly beautiful. I forgot my camera, but Ill definitely bring it today and take some pictures because Im not sure how else to describe it other than mesmerizing and very much a fairy tale city. It is also crazy when you realize that some of the buildings around you are older than the US (such as the one where our orientation was held today).

I have to miss the first half of orientation to get my Russian passport renewed today, which I will hopefully get in time to go visit my sister and meet my nephew before I leave. Also, Ive miserably failed at adjusting to the new time...fell asleep at 9 last night and it's currently 5am. Maybe Ill have coffee today so that I can avoid the early morning wake up. This does work well with keeping in touch with people from home though, but as much as I miss people, sorry Im not waking up at 5am to chat. Well, Im going to try and get a few more hours of sleep.


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