Thursday, February 25, 2010

Take back the city for yourself tonight

3:04am. Fallen back into my never-ending pattern of not sleeping. 3:04 wouldnt be bad if I hadn't gotten 2.5 hours of sleep last night. Its okay, McMann's research and the travel channel seem to be occupying my mind sufficiently at the moment.

Last few weeks: started volunteering. learned to say blue. had my best misunderstanding yet. celebrate Mary Ann's birthday. had cow heart (no i was not aware of this at the time). had my first midterm of the semester. booked my trip to Berlin. booked my trip to Budapest. discussed the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in a club (yeah I would). made my first actual Danish purchase other than food. had my first interview for the summer. went to the Danish Resistance Museum. went to the National Museum. had some great skype dates catching up with people. yelled at my computer, many times. saw the Little Mermaid. listened to Snow Patrol obsessively. explained to my brother that I was not in fact patrolling snow. fallen asleep on the s-tog. waited for the night bus for 40 minutes. introduced the family to grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup. gotten incredibly frustrated with talking in circles. written a paper on international whaling law.

That should be enough of a night rant. I have an 8:30 so Im thinking at this point Ill crash for a few and go take the camera out for some early morning picture-taking. Center of African Studies at the University of Copenhagen is celebrating its 25th anniversary tomorrow so planning on heading there later in the day for some discussion and music. Have an interview at 7. Who knows where it'll go from there.

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