Saturday, February 13, 2010

Jenny, Jill and the Jonas brothers

Had a big dinner to celebrate Maj Britt's birthday with a few friends of her friends and the family. The three hours that followed were a conglomeration of stories about the Faroe Islands (apparently theyre having a problem since the population is so small that there are some diseases showing up from interbreeding? yikes), stories about their childhoods when Poulina used to trick them into doing chores and the usual random comments. Oh, and also, I tried lamb. Ive officially eaten more meat in the last month than probably the last 2 years. Im pretty sure my family now thinks Im going to eat it when I come home now...Im sorry guys but I dont think its going to happen.

Went over to McCabe's after and went out wandering for a good bar. Everything had crazy lines so while we were waiting to get into one we saw another door. Thinking we were being extremely slick, we went in through that door. Turns out it was a smaller bar next door, but for about 3 seconds we felt really cool. I dont know where we ended up but it was beautifully decked out in surf boards and Quicksilver labels. We luckily grabbed a few chairs and were soon joined by 10 Danes since we had one of 3 tables in the place. We also befriended 2 Jonas' (apparently a very common name?) one of who was wearing a cowboy hat (its fastelavn which is the Danish halloween). He asked me to "fake an American accent" Im still not sure what that meant, but after multiple attempts I said howdy and he got very excited so apparently Texas is the epitome of America. The trains run every hour at night so we were getting ready by about 3 when one of the Jonas brothers accidentally spilled beer perfectly so it looked like I peed my pants. That was the cue to head out so I caught the train back. The half an hour ride is so much better with beer-stained pants, I may make it a regular part of my nights.

Oh and for the Jenny and Jill reference...I was Jenny, Katey was Jill. Figured if we're going to be American, we may as well be VERY American :)

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