Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's not hihi, just vi ses

Tonight is officially my last night in Copenhagen. I got back from the cruise around 2 and am all packed already, it was actually very quick and I got everything into my big suitcase and a little one my dad brought me with both of them being under weight. The cruise was great though, I have some great lines to show for it. We spent the nights on the ship and went to a few different cities during the days. Went to Monte Carlo first, then Rome, Pisa, Pompeii, Naples and Puerto de Mallorca. They're incredibly beautiful but its so hard to get anything more than a very superficial feel, especially with a city like Rome. The parts we saw though where incredibly overwhelming...actually, to say that getting off a bus and standing in front of the Colosseum is overwhelming is a huge understatement, but we're going with it for lack of a better word.

Ive been trying to reflect on this whole experience and its really hard to explain or figure out exactly what I think. The time here has flown by incredibly seems as though just yesterday I was standing in the airport waiting to meet my host family. Coming here, I thought it would be hard to be away for an entire a semester, but looking back on it, I wish I had done a year. Its so hard to leave when Ive just really started to get to know the culture and people. Life changing to say the least. I think this has just fueled my desire to travel...and not the vacation travel, but the go and live in different places travel. I was talking to my brother about it and he thinks its crazy because it gives you no stability and makes it really hard to stay in touch. I agree. But I love the feeling of not knowing quite what to expect, as scary as it can be, and the day when you finally stop feeling like a tourist (until someone asks you for directions and you realize you really only know the routes you take all the time). So I think this is just the beginning. I really want to try and go to Africa next...that's incredibly general, I know, but I think Sudan and DRC are currently out of the question and I need to figure out a lot more before I can know where I want to go. In other words, this blog is over, but there will hopefully be another one in the not too distant future :)

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