Sunday, April 11, 2010


Ah! I fully realize I haven't written anything in over a month. As a lame excuse, Ive been traveling the last two weeks and Im sorry but blogging wasn't top of the priority list. I currently have about 50billion things to catch up on (the amount of things starred in my email alone is overwhelming) but updates soon, promise. Quick sneak peek: travels were Berlin, Prague, Vienna and Budapest. Couldn't have asked for a better spring break. Picture to the left is in Prague..just a teaser as its one of the 600+ I have to sort through. Also, one of my best friends at home got married- congratulations Charlie and Im truly heartbroken I couldn't be there but looked like a beautiful wedding. Very strange that lives continue when youre not there huh? A very, very long update is coming in the next week hopefully...Im probably going to write it piece by piece whenever I get breaks because the next month here will be consisting of presentations, final research papers, projects, oh and enjoying the amazing Copenhagen spring and some final travels. Sleep when Im dead.

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