Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Secret to Happiness

I was told I look like a potato today by one of the girls at the place I volunteer. Hopefully that got lost in translation. Though Im pretty sure it didn't.

More importantly, I had a lightbulb moment while talking to one of the other volunteers afterwards. We were talking about the Danish welfare state and the pros and cons- basically they have an insane safety net so if you lose your job, you just go to the city hall and they will not only give you money but help you find a job, apartment, the whole shabang. Also, if you're a student you get roughly 5000dkr a month=$1000. For going to school. That's right, you dont pay them, they pay you. Living the good life. But, what actually hit me when we were talking about the job security and the more equal society they have (their gap between the rich and poor is much smaller than in the US because not only do the rich pay much higher taxes but the "blue collar" jobs are paid much more than in the States). You can do what you want. That doesn't make sense at first but think about it- if you don't have to worry about losing your job and ending up without health insurance, a home, and food on the table, and if your job, whatever it is, will provide enough funds for you to maintain a decent lifestyle, you can do what you want. You dont have to pick a career because it pays well, but you pick it because it's what you actually want to do. The girl's sister is going to be a jockey (McCabe be jealous). It seems so simple, but just imagine the possibilities.

So now Im trying to figure out what I would do with my life if money was not a factor. You should do the same. It's a thinker.

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